Saturday, March 17, 2012

lonsdale street roasters

in the very non-hipster city of canberra lies a few hidden gems.  well, not so hidden that its highly rated by urbanspoon, but that's not the point.. or is it?  lonsdale street roasters is one of those gems.  it makes good coffee, melbourne standard in fact, with one proviso.  its coffees are consistently WARM.  i'm not sure why this is the case.  is it that canberrans only want warm coffee?  i would have thought not, but one cannot be that choosey about coffee in canberra.

hipster street roasters was made more hipster on our visit by the residency of applespiel, doing a comedy act/radio show for the YOU ARE HERE festival.  check them out, they're a great little university comedy troop that may one day follow in the footsteps of the d-gen.

alongside its coffees are a number of great little paninis.  amongst them was this mushroom and rosemary truffle panini (delicious, but slightly one dimensional after half of it) ($11):

and this cuban slow roasted pork chipolte corinander panini ($11):

canberra and brunch don't really seem to get along, but this is one place that deserves a visit or ten.  just make sure you ask for your coffee "hot".  you might even find yourself in amongst a hipster event like applespiel.

you can find more about lonsdale street roasters here:

decaf sucks
corridor kitchen

Lonsdale Street Roasters on Urbanspoon

1 comment:

jack said...

silent observer,

it appears for a silent observer you have a lot to say. so, unfortunately, with noise come criticism.
you have hit the nail on the head with the panini's. they are delcious and definetly worth the stop. however, your analysis of the coffee and your criteria for judging it are horribly wrong. firstly, its not just a canberra thing to drink warm coffee, this is how it should be drunk. milk hotter than 63 degrees masks the flavour profile of the coffee and severely deteriorates its texture. so, its not the temp that is wrong with their coffee. if fact it is the flavour. if you have ever tasted reputable 'melbourne' coffee you know that they apply a completely different roast profile whereby they promote a harmonious balance of sweetness acidity and bitterness, highlighting the natural flavour characteristics of each origin. lonsdale raosters roast too dark resulting in ashy, dry and salty coffee.

so their is my speil. dont take it personally. i would just implore you to educate yourself more on the product you are critiquing.